Cadet members are school students age between 12 to 18 years old. Most of the members in SJAM-SDE are cadet members. Cadet activities are initiate to cultivate moral values and provide proper First Aid training among these teenagers. It also serve the purpose in preparing the cadets for the adult membership.
State Cadet Camp & Grand Prior Badge
State Cadet Camp is an Annual State Cadet activity since 2002. Cadets from different divisions all over the State will participate in this annual event and take part in activities designed for them. These activities cover both physically and mentally to ensure leadership & teambuilding.
The State Cadet Camp is also the avenue for cadet members to attain their 12 proficiency badges, over a period of 3-4 years provided they must attend the camp consecutively, leading to their Grand Prior Badge (GP). To date, SJAM-SDE has produced more than 180 GP holders and many more will be attained annually through this camp. ( Read below on Cadet Proficiency Badges Scheme for more details)

Cadet Proficiency Badges Scheme (Grand Prior Badge)
Cadet Proficiency Badges Scheme or CPBS is one of the cadet development program planned for St. John Cadets to enrich the cadets activities other than First Aid and foot drill training. The CPBS with 26 badges are designed to equip the cadets with all sorts of living skills and to suit their interest.
The CPBS program will be held & monitored by State HQ annually through its Annual State Cadet Camp and no Areas are allowed to organize the CPBS.
State HQ started the Grand Prior (GP) Badge program through its Annual State Cadet Camp since 2002 and in 2005 we achieved 92 GP holders, this is probably a new SJAM record whereby the most number of GP holders were achieved at one time. Todate, we have more than 180 GP holders and each year the number of GP holders increase due to our consistent annual CPBS program.
Cadet members can achieve maximum 4 badges per year, and to attain a Grand Prior Badge a minimum 12 Cadet Proficiency Badges out of the 26 badges must be achieved including a badge on `Knowledge of the Order’

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