St. John Ambulans Malaysia
Selangor Darul Ehsan
After having completed the internal re-structuring of administration, consistent annual State HQ programmes since 2002, also ensuring that the 07 Areas in Selangor are in line with State HQ procedures and finally achieving the ISO 9001:2008 to ensure that the State HQ system is all in place.
Also with our statewide Ambulance Service launched in April 2009 with more than 30 ambulances and our nationwide Haemodialysis Service with 16 dialysis centres located in the states of Selangor, Pahang, Perak & Sarawak ( more ambulances will be acquired & dialysis centres will be set-up due to the demand )
St. John Ambulans Malaysia – Selangor Darul Ehsan (SJAM-SDE) is now ready for publicity and to ensure that we go in a big way, we work hand-in-hand with an advertising media to source for free advertising spaces and managed to get Tesco & Carrefour outlets in Selangor. We only need to bear the cost of printing and the advertising spaces are for free from 01.07.2010 until 15.10.2011.
Again, this is the only state in the organisation that features its publicity in commercial venues.
Below are our advertising spaces in the respective outlets and within this short period we received many enquiry for recruitment as well about our services.
