Our beloved Dato’ Lim Lee Cheng, State Vice President, sudden passed away on 15.07.2012 was indeed a great loss to SJAM-SDE. His contribution to SJAM-SDE, particularly Kawasan Pantai Selangor was uncountable in terms of financial support and advices.
He was Area President of Kawasan Pantai Selangor (SJAM-KPS) from 1978 till 2010 and was promoted as State Vice President in mid 2010.
He donated an ambulance on 17.08.1996 on the occasion of his son’s marriage.
He was well respected in Klang and was involved in many associations and schools, in mid 90s’ he resigned from all except
St. John Ambulans Malaysia (SJAM), as he once said that SJAM-KPS is the only organisation that is non-political to him and the organization truly serve the society and mankind.
YBhg Dato’ Dr Low Bin Tick, Commander-in-Chief, conferred a posthumous award to our beloved Dato’ Lim Lee Cheng – Pingat Bakti Perkasa (Grade 2) – in recognition of his contribution and YBhg Dato’ Lai See Ming presented the award on behalf during the funeral as YBhg Dato’ Dr Low Bin Tick was oversea.
His son, YBhg Datuk Lim Boon Ping, agreed to continue his late father legacy in SJAM and accept the appointment as Area Vice President of Kawasan Pantai Selangor, and the appointment was presented by Tuan Ho Thiam Hock, Deputy State President, during the final salutation to The Late YBhg Dato’ Lim Lee Cheng.
YBhg Dato’ Seri Tee Boon Kee, Area President of Kawasan Pantai Selangor, then presented the St. John Flag to Datin Tan Lee Bin, wife of The late Dato’ Lim Lee Cheng, as a mark of respect and salutation.
Our salute and may he rest in peace.