SJAM Selangor Darul Ehsan

St John Ambulans Malaysia Selangor Darul Ehsan

St John Ambulans Malaysia Selangor Darul Ehsan

2019 SJAM-KPS Patient’s Day

In conjunction with Dialysis Patient’s Day and Chinese New Year, St John Ambulans Malaysia – Kawasan Pantai Selangor Head­quarters (SJAM-KPS Foundation) hosted a luncheon.

About 300 patients gathered in Putra Ballroom, Klang Executive Club, to celebrate the festive occasion.

“The patients were brought to this gathering to nurture fellowship among them, and receive moral support,” said SJAM-KPS Foundation chief operating officer Datuk Yeo Kim Thong.

Before the lunch, the god of Prosperity made a special appearance, giving blessings and ushering VIP guests to their respective seats.

St John Ambulans Malaysia commander-in-chief Datuk Lai See Ming thanked donors for their support.

“There are more than 250 dialysis machines in Malaysia to treat more than 600 patients, all because of your helping hand,” he said.

While lunch was being served, patients took turns singing on stage.

Before the luncheon ended, the patients received ang pow from the VIP guests and donors.

SJAM-KPS Foundation is planning to open a new dialysis centre in Bintulu, Sarawak, to relocate its existing dialysis centre over there.

Source: The Star Online